Nima Asadi


Nima Asadi, a skilled classical pianist, has dedicated himself to mastering his craft for
twenty years. He honed his skills at the University of Tehran, where he earned a
bachelor ‘s degree in Classical Piano Performance. In addition to his piano studies,
Nima also delved into classical composition and singing. During his studies, he had
the opportunity to attend masterclasses by renowned pianists such as Gottlieb Walllisch and Christiane Karajeva.
After graduating, he has been teaching piano, music theory, and sight-singing. His
teaching style emphasizes developing a strong foundation in music and preparing students for higher education and the AMEB exam. Furthermore, he places great emphasis on ensuring that his students enjoy the learning process and encourages them to unlock their full musical potential, sparking their passion for pursuing music with enthusiasm.
In addition to music, his passion for psychology runs deep. He has extensively studied various psychological theories, with a particular emphasis on creativity and
motivation, and has successfully attained a certificate in the Comprehensive Course of Psychoanalysis.